Inputs on Draft National Education Policy 2016

Inputs on Draft National Education Policy 2016
Start Date :
Jun 29, 2016
Last Date :
Oct 01, 2016
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India is sharing some inputs on the Draft National Education Policy (NEP), 2016. Views and suggestions are solicited from ...

Showing 1 Submission(s)
VISHNU V 7 years 11 months ago

#National Education Policy
I am interested in research into the topic Neo Education System for India that could transform our nation from the current status and to develop into a global power house in Education,Business,Skill and Manufacturing centre.Education has a vital role in shaping the vision of our PM Narendra Modi and if the loop holes of our Educational system is plugged then it can bring a significant change in our Nation.