Design a Logo for e-Nidhi - Comprehensive Financial Management System, Andhra Pradesh

Design a Logo for e-Nidhi - Comprehensive Financial Management System, Andhra Pradesh
Start Date :
Jul 01, 2015
Last Date :
Aug 01, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

e-Nidhi - Comprehensive Financial Management System : A Brief Background ...

e-Nidhi - Comprehensive Financial Management System : A Brief Background

The Finance Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh plays a key role in ensuring effective public financial management for the overall prosperity of the State. This role broadly includes planning and budgeting, expenditure management, revenue management, debt and investment management, accounts management and ways and means management.

Finance Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh intends to introduce Futuristic Enterprise Class Solution to streamline and improve upon its Functioning and Decision Support System. A range of SAP solutions has been chosen to deploy a comprehensive system that will enhance efficiency in financial transactions, transparency in operations, accountability and sustainability to stakeholders and citizens.

The Government is in the process of operationalizing e-Nidhi - Comprehensive Financial Management System in order to establish state-of-the art IT applications for effective public financial management. It will provide seamless and dynamic interface with all stakeholders and facilitate real-time resources management, both financial and human. It will fundamentally change the way government manages its public finances with real time management of funds.

e-Nidhi uses the Commercial off-the-Shelf (COTS) based SAP platform for complete integration of all activities like Budget, Expenditure, HRMS, Revenue, Accounts, Ways & Means and Debt management. The human resource system of e-Nidhi will significantly improve employee processes with increased transparency, enhanced investment in capacity development, efficient management of people and consequential impact on improved responsiveness and quality towards public services. Through this project, Finance Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh has embarked upon an ambitious initiative that e-Nidhi shall be robust, scalable, secured and highly available, user friendly, designed on open standards to ensure high level of integration with and acceptability by the various stakeholders.

Citizens of India are invited to design a suitable logo for the e-Nidhi - Comprehensive Financial Management System of Andhra Pradesh.

The winning entry will be awarded a prize of Rs 50,000 and a certificate of appreciation. While normally we expect to declare a single winner, in case, multiple entries are chosen as winners, the prize money will be split amongst the winners in shares as decided by Government of Andhra Pradesh.

Last Date for submission is 31st July, 2015.

Please click here for more information on Terms and Conditions, Technical Parameters and Evaluation Criteria.

Moderator for Task

Mr. Damodar Abbal N,
Director, Finance Department
e-Mail ID:

Under Review
Showing 1 Submission(s)
Sri Krishna Kanth
Sri Krishna Kanth 9 years 2 months ago

e-Nidhi Financial Management System logo is like a ´steering´ or ´wheel´ & symbolizes the steering, movement, progress & direction of AP towards the future with invaluable inputs & insights from the e-Nidhi. To present the fact that e-Nidhi represents decisive financial & economic directional impact on AP & its people-it has been centrally integrated into the current, complete & exact logo of the AP Government.The logo has wordings for e-Nidhi Financial Management System in telugu,english,Hindi.