Design a Logo for 10th World Hindi Conference

Design a Logo for 10th World Hindi Conference
Start Date :
Jan 21, 2015
Last Date :
Mar 21, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

World Hindi Conferences (WHC) are being organized since 1975 in different parts of the world. The last World Hindi Conference was organized in South Africa in 2012. This year, the ...

World Hindi Conferences (WHC) are being organized since 1975 in different parts of the world. The last World Hindi Conference was organized in South Africa in 2012. This year, the 10th World Hindi Conference is scheduled to be organized in New Delhi.

The main objectives for the organization of World Hindi Conference are to promote and propagate Hindi in foreign countries as a world language, establish the relevance of Hindi language in the Globalised world and encourage research work and original writings in Hindi by the foreigners and people of Indian origin etc.  

Citizens are invited to design/suggest a suitable logo for 10th World Hindi Conference that would reflect the spirit and objectives of World Hindi Conference.

Ministry of External Affairs seeks entries for design a Logo for “10th World Hindi Conference 2015”.

The last date of submission is 20th March, 2015.

The selected entry will be awarded a prize of Rs. 50,000/-.

Please click here for more information Terms and Conditions and Technical  Parameters.

Moderator for the task

Virendra Kumar Bilonia
External Publicity & Public Diplomacy Division
Ministry of External Affairs
Email Id-

Under Review
Showing 842 Submission(s)
ABHAY DAMODAR DESHMUKH 9 years 6 months ago

Man with stick represents the digit 1 and the zero is given in very scientific manner, i.e the Transmission electron microscopic image of carbon is taken where each atom has its one importance, just like that each and every men on globe. The logo depicts the spread of hindi by each and every man through the divine knowledge and wisedom.

Manoj Gokikar
Manoj Gokikar 9 years 6 months ago

My theme is Bharat Mata Teaching the world about Hindi under banyan tree ( Shantiniketan ) model

Subhasish Mondal 9 years 6 months ago

1. This logo is made with the concept of Peacock feather's colour combination, our National bird.
2. Second logo is framed with hindi letters.

Logo (JPEG)
Logo 2_3
HIMANSHU AHUJA_1 9 years 6 months ago

विश्व हिन्दी दिवस प्रति वर्ष 10 जनवरी को मनाया जाता है। इसका उद्देश्य विश्व में हिन्दी के प्रचार-प्रसार के लिये जागरूकता पैदा करना तथा हिन्दी को अन्तराष्ट्रीय भाषा के रूप में पेश करना है। विदेशों में भारत के दूतावास इस दिन को विशेष रूप से मनाते हैं।

sreejithgangadhatan 9 years 6 months ago

India, the evolving nation and its evolving language
Chandrayaan, the glorious mission to the moon by now has captured the global attention towards our own developing sub-continent of India. Now, it’s the turn of our national language, Hindi!दसवां विश्व हिन्दी सम्मेलन के परिप्रेक्ष्य में यह लोगो तैयार किया गया हैदसवां विश्व हिन्दी सम्मेलन के द्वारा यह आशा करें कि हिन्दी शीघ्र ही विश्व पर अपना अधिकार स्थापित करेगी और दुनिया भर उसका प्रचार-प्रसार शीघ्र ही संभव होगा

Mrs Ranjita Chaudhary 9 years 6 months ago

लोगो मे हिन्दी शब्द के "हि" शब्द को लिया गया है , इसकी मात्रा को हिंदी में १० अंक की तरह दर्शाया गया है जो कि दसवें सम्मलेन को इंगित करता है."ह" के नीचे का हिस्सा हमारे राष्ट्रीय पक्षी मोर की तरह प्रदर्शित है जिसके बिखरे हुए दस मोरपंख सम्मलेन द्वारा हिंदी के प्रसार को दर्शाते हैं. साथ ही दास का शून्य अशोक चक्र को बिम्बित करता है जो कर्मठता का प्रतीक है.

Logo 1 hindi
ABHAY DAMODAR DESHMUKH 9 years 6 months ago

“H” in the Hindi is the symbol for strength, the letter “I” is represented by the National heritage in Delhi “The Kutub Minar” conveying the venue for the conference. The dot on “I’s” are the symbols for peace and love with communal harmony which depicts the politeness and depth of language. The globe in 10th with emerging rays loudly speaks that the Hindi has captured the world so far and now Hindi has become radiant.