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മൈഗവ്  ഐഡിയ ബോക്സ്
ആരംഭ തീയതി:
Jul 15, 2019
അവസാന തീയതി:
Jul 30, 2023
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

ഭരണം ഒപ്പം നയരൂപീകരണം തുടങ്ങിയ ഏത് വിഷയത്തിലും നിങ്ങളുടെ വിലയേറിയ ആശയങ്ങളും നിർദ്ദേശങ്ങളും പങ്കിടാൻ കഴിയുന്ന തുറന്നതും സ്വതന്ത്രവുമായ ചർച്ചാ ഫോറം, കെട്ടിപ്പടുക്കാൻ സഹായിക്കുന്ന ആശയങ്ങൾ...

An open and free-flowing discussion forum where you can share your valuable ideas and suggestions on any subject of Governance and Policy-making, ideas which will help in building a New India. (This forum is meant for those themes and topics which are not a part of other discussions on MyGov and yet may hold importance for citizens)

Showing 109391 Submission(s)
Monica Sahu 2 years 10 months ago

We are a team of enthusiastic, fun loving and highly professional designers, developers and marketers. We solve problems with clarity, simplicity & honesty, and deliver our clients return on investment through our effective digital approaches.

rouhia sideeq 2 years 10 months ago

Education:My humble request to government and the concerned policy makers and authorities kindly have a deep look of completion time of degrees in universities, when it comes to universities time bond of completion of exams and dispatch of degrees to concern candidates they have lot of excuses, of delaying exams and dispatch of degrees but it is unfortunate to see that the candidates who missed to complete their degrees in due course of time, have no door open to re enter. #limitless educatio

abhishek tibrewala
abhishek tibrewala 2 years 10 months ago

There should be 1% semiconductor cess on mobile phones costlier than Rs5000.00. And this fund should be used for Reasearch and development and production of indigenous semiconductor chips.
And since these chips will not be competitive, we should built a city where only these indigenous chips are used.

In this way we can built semiconductor capabilities and become comparative in next 4-5 years.

Sandhya Gopaldas
Sandhya Gopaldas 2 years 10 months ago

Central and state syllabus should include the following topics
Bank account opening, transactions,
Post office account opening,,,, ,
loan procedure, challan, check book,
adhar Importance,
scholarship details
Basic sections of law and order.
Great Indian reformers, etc
in 8th to 10th class academic books

SREEVISAKH R 2 years 10 months ago

Please educate people and implement lane descipline in roads especially highways eg . Right most lane can be reserved for 4 wheelers with minimum speed of say 70 kms or so. If you want to go slow choose another lane rather than slowing down the whole traffic.
Also use indicators for lane change etc.. educate first and then implement fine start from leaners license level. Thx.

Sharanya Mittal
Sharanya Mittal 2 years 10 months ago

I want that there should be the arrangement of foldable tents for those people who sleep under the open sky. Those foldable tents will be adjusted every night in open fields , and those tents should be made from recycled polythenes those tents should be in rectangular shape with all sides covered .These tents will be in every 2 kms and nearby street sleepers will get benefit from this arrangements.The local people and authority will handle this . This is my idea at surface level .Please think .

Sharanya Mittal
Sharanya Mittal 2 years 10 months ago

Respected sir , I am feeling as Ram rajya in my country ,from when u became prime minister of our country . You did a lot of such works which moved our country towards Sarve Bahavantu Sukhina. From some days i felt that whenever the winter starts , the problems of people who sleep on the road , increase. there are a lot of provisions of Rain basere for poor people , inspite of these a handsome amount of people sleep on the footpath under the open sky .

JagadishkumarSahoo 2 years 10 months ago

सम्मानीय प्रधान मंत्री जी मेरा एक बिनती आपसे :खाने का तेल कंपनियों ने जब ऊंचे दाम से बेच रहे थे,क्या इस सभी कंपनियों ने १००प्रतिशत शुद्ध तेल बेच रहे थे ?इसका कभी जांच हुआ था ? देसका सब सो करोड़ जनता जब की आप के ऊपर भरोसा करके आगे चल रहें है,तब ये हमारा कर्तव्य बनता है ।आशा करता हूं मेरा बिनती स्वीकार होगा और इसका जांच कर के सार्बजनीन करेंगे,नमस्ते ।

vijayasekaran dharmalingam 2 years 10 months ago

Small money in the hands of farmers makes a big difference as they are entrepreneurs in their field. Agriculture engineers knowledgeable about new farm gadgets are many and jobless. Corporates with a broad mind should come forward to invest a portion of their annual profit in the agrarian sector. Uniting the above 3 namely farmers, agriculture engineers, and modern gadgets by corporate may bring a good profit as well as improve the economy in this pandemic-affected era.