Share Your Ideas about Incorporate Energy saving Practices into our Daily Routines

Share Your Ideas about Incorporate Energy saving Practices into our Daily Routines
Start Date :
Dec 11, 2023
Last Date :
Feb 11, 2024
18:15 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

The National Energy Conservation Day is being celebrated every year on December 14 since 1991. The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), under the aegis of Ministry of Power ...

The National Energy Conservation Day is being celebrated every year on December 14 since 1991. The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), under the aegis of Ministry of Power spearheads the celebrations every year. The objective to celebrate the National Energy Conservation Day is to drive mass awareness about the importance of energy efficiency and conservation.

Your Ideas Matter: Join the Conversation on Energy Conservation!

We believe that small actions can lead to big changes, Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE)in collaboration with MyGov invite you to be a part of a community-driven initiative focused on energy conservation. Your ideas can make a significant impact on our collective effort to create a more sustainable future.

Energy conservation is a shared responsibility, and we want to hear from you! By joining this conversation, you have the opportunity to contribute your thoughts, suggestions, and innovative ideas on how we can all incorporate energy-saving practices into our daily routines.

Points to remember:
1.Share your personal energy-saving tips.
2.Propose community-wide initiatives to promote energy efficiency.
3.Discuss creative ways to raise awareness about the importance of conservation.

Your input is invaluable, and together, we can make a positive impact on our environment. Let's work towards a greener, more sustainable future. Looking forward to hearing your brilliant ideas!

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Showing 3878 Submission(s)
arnav 7 months 3 weeks ago

I'm happy to contribute some ideas, and I encourage everyone to share theirs as well.

 At home:
o Switch off lights and electronics when not in use.
o Utilize natural light whenever possible.
o Unplug chargers and appliances when not needed.
o Use energy-efficient appliances and LED bulbs.
o Wash clothes in cold water and air-dry them whenever possible.
o Shorten shower times.
o Adjust thermostat settings for optimal comfort and efficiency.
 On the go:
o Use public transportation, walk, or bike whenever feasible.
o Carpool or choose fuel-efficient vehicles.
o Conserve water by taking shorter showers and fixing leaky faucets.
o Reduce, reuse, and recycle to minimize waste and associated energy consumption.
Community-Wide Initiatives:
 Public awareness campaigns: Organize educational workshops, contests, and events
to promote energy-saving practices.
 Energy audits and retrofits: Encourage homes and businesses to conduct energy
audits and implement effici

P RAJKUMAR 7 months 3 weeks ago

Kindly Anyone very humble request Sir please help me I need money Rs: 350000 someone please help me. very arjent critical situation help me sir
My account number: 32402244025
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very humble request please help me 🙏🙏🙏
coment Please sir

Karan Singh Yadav_7
Karan Singh Yadav 7 months 3 weeks ago

The goals of Energy efficiency, conservation and sustainable development cannot be reached until each one of us is aware and committed to it.
It is not the duty of one person or a group or the government to save energy, environment and ultimately ourselves from pollution and over exploitation of the nature and the resources.
We must spread awareness about these common topics in common people to get some real and effective change.
It is not a task which can be completed in a day or year but we can surely accomplish the goal of Viksit Bharat @2047 sustainably if we get dedicated to it, right from today.

AyushkrSingh 7 months 3 weeks ago

We should use electric ⚡ vehicles. Because normal vehicles give out the harmful gases that harm the environment.

Thank you

taqdeem 7 months 3 weeks ago

As save it biodiversity use of limited resources so that not made environment bad make use of natural engery as solar lot other wish we can reduce the co2

Sharath Kashyap R
Sharath Kashyap R 7 months 3 weeks ago

In continuation to my previous suggestion, So what is my request is, please asses properly what’s happening in these kind of companies & bring a proper rule to save those slaughtered people. See, Human Resource will be effective only when they will be allowed to blossom as a natural being in their life. I say we are still not freed from the hands of foreign rule. Before Aug 15th 1947, they used to torture us with their direct rule. Now they are torturing us through business & their meaningless systems. Please save us Modi.ji!!! Don’t think money is everything. A prosperous nation should have mentally fit & satisfied citizens right. If we allow what’s going on to go on like this, in the name of competition & productivity, they will literally murder people. Do you know how much they gain from us in terms of money using our IP? And how much do we loose just to lead our lives out of this. This is a huge problem Sir.ji. You need to bring some remedies to it. I plead you. Please. Jai Hind!!!

Sharath Kashyap R
Sharath Kashyap R 7 months 3 weeks ago

In continuation to my previous suggestion, as your juniors will be able to do the work that you do, you will be put together with freshers even if you have more experience than them. That’s not it. If you do any small mistakes, that will be pointed out & you will be humiliated in front of everyone. You will be micromanaged. This will drain the confidence of the employee. You will start doubting yourself. This is the root of all mental problems. This will lead to OCD, PTSD, Anxiety, Panic attacks, etc,… Inspite of this you will be asked to work like normal people. This is the real problem of IT. I am also a victim of this & suffering from OCD. They are slaughtering humans in the name of productivity. There is nothing called compassion, kindness &mercy. HRs will be there in the company for namesake. They will be used only to recruit employees but nothing else. Now, Modi.ji have eased the rules for ease of business & this has given free hands for those pigs & asses to do their dirty acts.

Sharath Kashyap R
Sharath Kashyap R 7 months 3 weeks ago

My suggestion is, I had told in my earlier suggestions that Human Resource is one of the main natural resources& we have to nurture them well. In big - big MNCs IT service based companies, there will be different kind of worst people. Some are like pigs, all they want is money, for that they will be ready to do anything. And these pigs don’t even leave the work of others & snatch everything from them. They won’t even leave others to learn as freshers. There are some old aged asses whose intentions will be to impose their experiences & their technical knowledge on others & they do micromanagement. As a result what happens is, as a fresher you will not be able to learn & get expertise. On the top of this, if you are in a faraway distance in the same city like Bangalore, your day will pass in travelling only. As time passes, you will be experienced without expertise. This will be a problem in IT. After that if you try do some work, even your juniors will be able to do the same work you do